In this post, I'm going to list out key actions I try to take as headings on the page, and then write the keystrokes necessary to perform each one. It's designed to be a cheatsheet for navigating around files and projects quickly using nvim-from-scratch.

nvim-tree Actions

I've been a loyal NerdTree plugin user for almost a decade, but nvim-from-scratch leverages a new file explorer plugin called nvim-tree. I refer to this plugin as the "file explorer" below. All of these tips are things you can do using the nvim-tree plugin.

Highlight Current Buffer's File in File Explorer

<leader>e in normal mode from a file buffer

Copy and Rename a File from File Explorer

cpr while hovering over file in file explorer

Open File in Vertical Split from File Explorer

<C-v> while hovering over file in file explorer

Open File in Horizontal Split from File Explorer

<C-x> while hovering on file in file explorer

Open File in Tab from File Explorer

<C-t> while hovering on file in file explorer

Previous/Next Uncommitted Change in File Explorer

  • Next: ]c
  • Previous: [c

Toggle Hidden Files

  • dot files: H
  • git ignored files: I

Move Up a Directory in File Explorer


Close File Explorer


More Default keybindings

See nvim-tree repo

LSP Actions

goto definition

gd from normal mode while hovering on symbol

goto references

gr from normal mode while hovering on symbol

Telescope Actions

Fuzzy Search Files by Name



Populate quickfix window with ripgrep search results

\ from normal mode


Didn't know this existed but now can't live without it:

Open current buffer on in browser


Living Doc

My intention is to update this doc as I learn more shortcuts worth remembering.